
Showing posts from September, 2019

the first month of temperature...

The first month of temperature data. It took several weeks to get the NBN connected, so only a week or so with a fully array of sensors hooked up. The temperature data are not all of equal quality...  These data are from wireless tags ( WirelessTagWebsite ,  WirelessTag Data ). The CubbyHouse sensors (2) are outside temperature, whereas the rest of the sensors are in various rooms of the house. The house temperature is maintained with a mechanical HRV system, but no active heating or cooling has been used this month. Overnight on the 22nd all the sensors were in the same location (kitchen counter) so that they could all be synchronised / calibrated against each other.


The garden between the driveway and the front fence in coming together with drip irrigation and some plants added. Callistemon viminalis Captain Cook (x4) [ ANPS ] Callistemon pearsonii (x4) [ ANPS ] Hardenbergia violacea (x4) [ ANPS ]

sustainable house day

A successful sustainable house day open house with 174 adults and 50 children coming through Thornleigh Passive House. Also the Certified Passive House plaque was put up.

mulch & planting...

Three cubic meters of woodchips (delivered and spread in the front of the house). Four native trees planted to meet council requirements. The Acacia should just hit the required 6m height, so they are on the north side where they should not shade the solar panels. The other two will get much taller, so they are on the southern / western side where they should not shade the solar panels too much. Acacia floribunda  (x2) [ wikipedia ] Elaeocarpus reticulatus  [ ANPS ] Tristaniopsis laurina  [ ANPS ]


Many blogs start... fewer continue. The aspirations here are quite simple: to provide a small window into life in Sydney's first certified passive house and some of the geeky the operational information. The goal is a monthly or at least quarterly updates on house the house is performing, along with some random commentary about the challenges, opportunities faced, and problems solved.