Solar reflections
Our solar has been installed and generating for a year now... and enphase is really good at making data available. So I've been looking at our solar data and playing some what if games. For these purposes I am taking our electicity data from the enphase monthly reports - which do not include our garage power usage due to the way the our house is wired, but that usage is quite trivial so I am going to ignore it. The enphase system reports data (power generated, power imported, power consumed and power exported) in 15 minute intervals. I've include all the data which means I've got a little over 13 months of data to work with. Keep in mind that we have a great big tree on the east side of our house that significantly shades our solar panels for most of the morning, and a decent tree on the west that provides some partial shade especially in the later afternoon. Overall summary - daily average by month (kWh). Month Produced Consumed Exported Imported Net Jan 16.0 ...