
Showing posts from March, 2022


Rain. Lots of rain! As of midnight last night we have recorded: 1352mm for the year, and counting at the rain comes down today. Already passed 3 of the last 7 years andclosing quickly closing in on the most rain recorded. The water tank is beyond full and has been overflowing for the last month. Rain data from my backyard gauge... Year annual total (mm) Year to date (mm) % of annual total 2022 >1340 1340   2021 1382 740 53% 2020 1475 675 46% 2019 1439 647 45% 2018 1187 246 21% 2017 1059 650 61% 2016 1332 526 39% 2015 1363 338 25% Mean 1320 556 41%

2022 Feb

February has been wet (very cloudy and lots of rain), so we haven't been generating generating much electricity and we ran the dehumidifier on 4 days. The split system was on an automatic mode most of the month (cooling from 10:00 - 18:15) and the HRV was solidly in 'cooling season'. The HRV did a great job of keeping the house in the comfort zone. School is back, so the kids were at school, but at least one parent was working from home on most days. Temperature from inside and outside the house as the percentage of hours in 0.5 °C bins. I've scaled the temperature in hopes that they will be comparable across months. Methods: I have taken the 5 minutely data from the wirelessTag sensors and calculated the median temperature for each hour and determined the proportion of hours falling inside of the 20 - 25 °C target temperature (using the R functions 'aggregate' and 'hist'). Inside includes data from the wirelessTag sensors spread across nearly ev...