
Showing posts from December, 2023

A new sensor...

I'ver splashed out and picked up a pair of Purple Air Flex air quality monitors. These sensors measure temperature, humidity, pressure, PM2.5 concentrations, and total volatile organic compounds (VOC). (The VOC readings are currently experimental.) The sensor outside data are publically viewable on the purple air map , but the inside sensor data is not disclosed in real time. I will however be doing some experiments with it. One of these days I'll find the ideal sensor package, but until then I just keep collecting!

2023 November

November's weather was more spring like (median temperature 19.3 °C). The HRV was mostly in the cooling season and we openned the windows a fair bit in the evening / night when it was cool out, and the split system was typically cooling during peak solar production. At the end of the month when we had significant rain the dehumidifier ran for a week or so during the day to help dry clothes. Outside temperatures ranged from 10 to 34 °C, while inside we were a comfortable 20.1 to 24.7 °C. Temperature from inside and outside the house as the percentage of hours in 0.5 °C bins. I've scaled the temperature in hope that I will be able to use the temperature range for all months. Methods:  I have taken the 5 minutely data from the wirelessTag sensors and calculated the median temperature for each hour and determined the proportion of hours falling inside of the 20 - 25 °C target temperature (using the R functions 'aggregate' and 'hist'). Inside includes data from...