
Showing posts from November, 2023

IPHA Open Days -

We had about 20 people visit. Thanks to Andy from Envirotecture , and Trent from Red Cedar Constructions  who were on hand to help with the specialist questions.   The next IPHA Open Days are November 10 - 12th .

2023 October

October's weather alternated between summer and winter with very little time near the average (median temperature 17.3 °C, but low of 8 °C and a high of 36 °C). The HRV flipped between neutral and cooling seasons, and the split system on sparatically cooling during peak solar production. Outside temperatures ranged from 8 to 36 °C, while inside we were a comfortable 18.6 to 24.5 °C. Temperature from inside and outside the house as the percentage of hours in 0.5 °C bins. I've scaled the temperature in hope that I will be able to use the temperature range for all months. Methods: I have taken the 5 minutely data from the wirelessTag sensors and calculated the median temperature for each hour and determined the proportion of hours falling inside of the 20 - 25 °C target temperature (using the R functions 'aggregate' and 'hist'). Inside includes data from the wirelessTag sensors spread across nearly every room of the house. Outside is the data from the wirele