IPOD - June 2024
International Passivehaus Open Days - June 2024 edition. We were open and hosted 40-50 people (didn't get an accurate count). We met some lovely people and chatted passive houses.
Just because folks asked... a couple of graphs (using the same hourly data from the monthly summaries). An updated all available data (40,133 hours) histogram:
An important note on these data. More than half of the hours above 25 °C (546/1026) occurred in the first 6 months of living in the house, and all of the hours where the inside temperature above 27 °C were in the first 6 months living in the house when we were still determining the optimal HRV settings and how to manage the house temperature (learning that a passive house is designed for temperature inertia and benefits from a set and forget approach).
Looking at 37,258 hours between March 2020 - June 2024, the house is in the passive house target zone of 20 - 25 °C 95% of the time, and in our target range (18 - 12 °C) 99% of the time. The 18 °C lower temperature threshold is the World Health Organisation threshold temperature, relative to the passive house value of 20 °C. The World Health Organisation does not set an upper threshold whereas the passive house upper threshold is 25 °C.
Those hot hours are -- as expected -- mainly during the summer (73%) and between 2 and 6 pm (62%). Thinking in terms of days rather than hours, 106 of 1553 days had hot hours. Two thirds (64%) of those days had four or fewer hot hours.